Latest News
The following are any and all updates pertaining to enhancements/changes to the website, additions to the SG-2 team membership, and any events that SG-2 has attended or is planning on attending in the near future:
8/06/04 SG-2 website created on approximately its 1st anniversary.
8/08/04 Photos and mission log of the SG-1 convention in NJ added to the Events page.
9/03/04 Dragon Con 2004 in Atlanta, GA.
Please check back regularly as new stuff is always happening whether it be a convention, costuming event, presentation, or even a fan film! ;) We love having visitors to our site so come back often and dont forget to sign the guestbook on your way out!
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SG-2 Team Photo taken at the Official East Coast Stargate SG-1 Con
For more pictures please visit our Events page.